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  • ILSC Sydney

    ILSC Sydney

    At ILSC Australia, choose from more than 70 English courses and programs and build a study schedule combining subjects that match your personal interests, goals and dreams.

    Level 7, 540 George street
    • ILSC-Sydney-Estudantes-Almocando
    • ILSC-Sydney-Estudantes-Area-Comum-e-Computadores
    • ILSC-Sydney-Estudantes-durante-Aula
    • ILSC-Sydney-Estudantes-Recepcao-do-Colegio


    32 salas de aula

    Bom mix de nacionalidades

    Possui biblioteca

    Possui cozinha

    1500 alunos por mês

    Possui laboratório de informática


    Possui Wifi

    Acesso a cadeirantes

    Sobre a ILSC Sydney

    At ILSC Australia, choose from more than 70 English courses and programs and build a study schedule combining subjects that match your personal interests, goals and dreams.

    A vibrant, world-class cosmopolitan city surrounded by national parks and amazing beaches. The ILSC–Sydney campus is conveniently located in the Central Business District, close to train and bus routes and many amazing sites

    Selecione um curso

    • VET Courses

      Tipo de curso Vocational Courses

      Nome do curso VET Courses

      Horários Evening classes, Weekends

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      Our Business College campuses in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne offer Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate and diploma programs that focus on a wide range of business qualifications such as international business, trade and customer engagement.

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies

    • English

      Tipo de curso General English

      Nome do curso English

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes, Evening classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      Challenge yourself to achieve your goals! Our instructors will help you tap into your potential and take your learning to new levels. We will work with you to target your unique learning needs and interests to help you achieve success!

      Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies

    • University pathway Programs

      Tipo de curso General English

      Nome do curso University pathway Programs

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes, Evening classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      Take academically-focused courses to help you improve your English level, and prepare for success at the college or university level.

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies
