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  • College of Sports and Fitness (CSF)

    College of Sports and Fitness (CSF)

    The College of Sport & Fitness (CSF), primary mission is but not limited to, Provide highest quality of service possible to all members of CSF Develop leadership skills and knowledge within each learner. Prepare each learner for the workforce within the Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Offer opportunity for further studies within a related field Continue to gain industry recognition. Expand and grow nationally and internationally.

    12 Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills
    • CSF-Melbourne-Area-Comum
    • CSF-Melbourne-Auditorio
    • CSF-Melbourne-Aula-de-Capoeira
    • CSF-Melbourne-Laboratorio-de-Informatica


    60 salas de aula

    Possui biblioteca

    Possui cozinha

    700 alunos por mês

    Possui laboratório de informática


    Possui Wifi

    Acesso a cadeirantes

    Sobre a College of Sports and Fitness (CSF)

    The College of Sport & Fitness (CSF), primary mission is but not limited to, Provide highest quality of service possible to all members of CSF Develop leadership skills and knowledge within each learner. Prepare each learner for the workforce within the Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Offer opportunity for further studies within a related field Continue to gain industry recognition. Expand and grow nationally and internationally.
    In 2005 Julio Chaves and Andre Cerutti started to work on the establishment of the International College of Capoeira (ICC) for the purpose of developing students in the required skills and knowledge of Capoeira through a sport coaching qualification specialising in the Martial Art Capoeira.

    Through immense consultation with related industry experts and the consent of the Capoeira industry specialists Mr Julio Chaves and Mr Andre Cerutti went about the development of the International College of Capoeira and in 2007 the college received recognition and approval by the state regulators to deliver approved vocational accredited courses.

    In 2009 after being approved to deliver accredited qualifications in Sport Coaching to overseas students, ICC officially opened its door to its learners.

    After much success and interest from learners in the early stages of the official opening date, Mr Julio Chaves and Mr Andre Cerutti decided to enhance the college mission. One of the obvious changes in the establishment is the new trading name ‘College of Sports & Fitness’, (CSF).

    The drive of this change was primarily to reflex the industry demand and cater for a variety of services, career opportunities, specialised qualifications and educational articulation within the Sport, Fitness and Recreation industry.

    CSF is constantly providing excellence to develop leadership skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in their chosen field.

    Campus Locations:

    CBD: 12 Wentworth Ave Darlinghurst NSW 2010

    Manly: Building 5, 33 Scenic Drive North Head Manly NSW 2095

    Selecione um curso

    • Sport Coaching Sport Development Fitness Leadership and Management

      Tipo de curso Vocational Courses

      Nome do curso Sport Coaching Sport Development Fitness Leadership and Management

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes, Evening classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      The current sports courses will provide all learners with the necessary tools, methods and techniques to become specialised professionals in their chosen field of sports, whilst providing the learner with a structured learning pathway and practical experience.

      The leadership and management courses reflect the role of individuals who apply knowledge, practical skills and experience in leadership and management across a range of enterprise and industry context.
      Learners at CSF will be exposed to a variety of teaching methods and strategies designed to enhance the learners experience through face to face assessments during theory and practical sessions and e-learning

      All CSF teachers are highly educated within the sporting and business industry and have an abundant degree of experience within a variety of areas.

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies
