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  • Navitas Brisbane

    Navitas Brisbane

    Brisbane is the third most populous city in Australia, the city has a relaxed urban environment, perfect for exploring Queensland's national parks, surf beaches and theme parks. The Navitas Brisbane Campus is located at the heart of the city and offers modern facilities and great views from the school terrace, and is only two blocks from the Central Railway Station and the Ferry Terminal and a short walk from the Queen Street Mall.

    410 Ann St, Brisbane City
    • Navitas-Brisbane-Estudantes-durante-Aula
    • Navitas-Brisbane-Estudantes-na-Recepcao-do-Colegio
    • Navitas-Brisbane-Estudantes
    • Navitas-Estudante-Computadores


    Possui laboratório de informática


    Possui Wifi

    Sobre a Navitas Brisbane

    Brisbane is the third most populous city in Australia, the city has a relaxed urban environment, perfect for exploring Queensland's national parks, surf beaches and theme parks. The Navitas Brisbane Campus is located at the heart of the city and offers modern facilities and great views from the school terrace, and is only two blocks from the Central Railway Station and the Ferry Terminal and a short walk from the Queen Street Mall.

    Brisbane is Australia's third most populous city with a relaxed urban environment, perfect for exploring Queensland's national parks, surf beaches and theme parks.

    The Navitas Brisbane Campus is located at the heart of the city and offers modern facilities and great views from the school terrace, and is only two blocks from the Central Railway Station and the Ferry Terminal and a short walk from the Queen Street Mall.

    The Navitas Brisbane Campus is located at the heart of the city and offers modern facilities and great views from the school terrace, and is only two blocks from the Central Railway Station and the Ferry Terminal and a short walk from the Queen Street Mall.

    Selecione um curso

    • Cursos Nocturnos

      Tipo de curso General English

      Nome do curso Cursos Nocturnos

      Horários Clases en el período de la noche

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      Comenzando al final de la tarde los Cursos nocturnos de Navitas ofrecen a los estudiantes más flexibilidad y tiempo de sobra para trabajar, practicar surf, nadar y relajarse durante el día.


      Navitas ofrece los siguientes cursos en el horario nocturno:

      • Inglés General 1, 2 y 3

      • Preparación IELTS

      Las clases comienzan todos los lunes y terminan a las 21h, lo que significa que el estudiante todavía puede salir y disfrutar de la vida nocturna australiana después de las clases.


      Visión general:

      Carga horaria semanal - 20h

      Duración - 1 a 24 semanas por curso (Inglés General e IELTS)

      Edad mínima - 16 años

      Lugares - Brisbane, Manly, Perth y Sídney

      Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração 1 a 24 semanas por curso (Inglés General e IELTS)

    • Academic English

      Tipo de curso English for Academic Purposes

      Nome do curso Academic English

      Horários Morning and afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      The Academic English course was designed for students looking to take the next step and develop the English language skills required for further study. The course opens the path for a wide range of programs at more than 50 universities, higher education and vocational training institutions around Australia.


      Navitas offers the following levels of Academic English:

      • Academic English Level 1 - Prepares Students for Academic English Level 2

      • Academic English Level 2 - Prepares Students for Academic English Level 3,

      Navitas colleges, foundation studies and vocational training courses.

      • Academic English Level 3 - Prepares Students for further study.


      Flexible start dates.

      Navitas ensures that students find the level of English that meets their individual needs. Students can complete a placement test as soon as they enroll in the school, or they can attest their language proficiency by presenting a certificate of proficiency equivalent to the IELTS and TOEFL exams.


      Future pathways

      Graduates in Navitas Academic English courses can gain direct entry into more than 50 leading universities and colleges around Australia. The school has partnerships with several universities and educational partners to expedite Visa procedures (SVP).



      MyStudy™ is Navitas' exclusive supervised study program that allows students to work at their own pace and focus on the areas they need to improve. Skilled teachers will provide guidance and direction to students who will have access to the resources they need to get the most out of their studies.



      Weekly course hours - 20h + 5h of MyStudy™

      Duration - 10 weeks per course

      Minimum age: 16 years old

      Locations - Brisbane, Darwin, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração 10 weeks per course

    • Corporate English

      Tipo de curso Business English

      Nome do curso Corporate English

      Horários Morning and afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      The Navitas Corporate English course was developed to enable students to become masters of business communication. The course will effectively enable students to succeed in international professional environments.


      Course benefits:

      • Essential for success in today's global economy.

      • The course focuses on the skills needed for communication in the professional context, developing presentations and participating in meetings and negotiations.

      • Wide range of topics with comprehensive and globally relevant content and resources.



      Weekly course hours - 20h + 5h of MyStudy Professional™

      Duration - 8 weeks

      Minimum age: 16 years old

      Locations - Bondi, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração 8 weeks

    • General English 1, 2 and 3

      Tipo de curso General English

      Nome do curso General English 1, 2 and 3

      Horários Morning and afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      The Navitas General English courses were created to develop real-world English language skills, providing students with excellent results.


      Why choose Navitas?

      • New classes every Monday.

      • Take the course that best suits your English level.

      • Interactive and challenging classes led by experienced teachers.

      • Stay focused and engaged in dynamic classes.

      • Look ahead in the future and get ready for Corporate English, Academic English, or to the world's leading proficiency exams.

      • Study in one of the best and most traditional educational institutions in Australia.


      Weekly course hours - 20h + 5h of MyStudy™

      Duration - 1 to 24 weeks per course

      Minimum age: 16 years old

      Locations - Bondi, Brisbane, Darwin, Manly, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.

      Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração 1 to 24 weeks per course

    • Cambridge Preparation

      Tipo de curso Cambridge Preparation

      Nome do curso Cambridge Preparation

      Horários Morning and afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      The Cambridge ESOL exam is one of the most important English proficiency tests and is accepted by more than 15,000 universities, employers and governments around the world.



      Weekly course hours - 20h + 5h of exam practice.

      Duration - 10 to 12 weeks, depending on the course

      Minimum age: 16 years old

      Locations - Bondi, Brisbane, Perth and Manly

      Níveis oferecidos FCE (Upper Intermediate), CAE (Advanced), CPE (Proficiency)

      Duração 10 to 12 weeks, depending on the course

    • IELTS Preparation

      Tipo de curso IELTS Preparation

      Nome do curso IELTS Preparation

      Horários Morning and afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      IELTS is the most widely recognized English test in the world. Accepted as a prerequisite for entry into higher education and organizations, in addition to being required for immigration purposes. The Navitas IELTS course will develop the student’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Most Australian universities and higher education institutions require that students score between 6.0 and 7.5 on the exam to be eligible for entry.



      Weekly course hours - 20h + 5h of exam practice.

      Duration - 8 weeks

      Minimum age: 16 years old

      Locations - Brisbane, Manly, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração 8 weeks
