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  • Kaplan International English

    Kaplan International English

    "Kaplan International English courses are available in 43 English language schools around the worldLast year, our students represented over 150 nationalitiesMore than 94% of our students would recommend usTake advantage of 80 years of experience delivering top-quality education"

    22 Peel St, Adelaide


    9 salas de aula

    Bom mix de nacionalidades

    Possui biblioteca

    Possui cozinha

    318 alunos por mês

    Possui laboratório de informática


    Possui Wifi

    Sobre a Kaplan International English

    Kaplan International English courses are available in 43 English language schools around the world. Last year, their students represented over 150 nationalities and more than 94% of its students would recommend them. Take advantage of 80 years of experience delivering top-quality education.

    Selecione um curso

    • Academic Year

      Tipo de curso English for Academic Purposes

      Nome do curso Academic Year

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      Structured like a real university year, an Intensive Academic Year gives you long-term immersion and expert tuition help you achieve lasting fluency.

      Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies

    • Intensive English

      Tipo de curso General English

      Nome do curso Intensive English

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      "15 hours per week - General English
      6 hours per week - Specific Skills (focusing on one area of English language)"

      Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies

    • English for Academic Purposes

      Tipo de curso English for Academic Purposes

      Nome do curso English for Academic Purposes

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      Develop your English language skills for use in an academic environment. It gives you excellent insight into the culture and expectations at university in an English-speaking location.

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies

    • FCE/ CAE

      Tipo de curso Cambridge Preparation

      Nome do curso FCE/ CAE

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      FCE CAE Cambridge exam preparation

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies

    • IELTS

      Tipo de curso IELTS Preparation

      Nome do curso IELTS

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      IELTS Preparation

      Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies

    • Programação

      Tipo de curso Vocational Courses

      Nome do curso Programação




      Curso básico de programação

      Níveis oferecidos


    • Academic Semester

      Tipo de curso English for Academic Purposes

      Nome do curso Academic Semester

      Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      Structured like a real academic semester of 5 or 6 months, an Academic Semester gives you long-term immersion and expert tuition help you achieve lasting fluency.

      Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced

      Duração Consult one of our agencies
