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  • Vacation English

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    Vacation English students have a less intensive study schedule, meaning that you can easily mix English study with sightseeing and leisure activities.

    Intensive Academic Year and Semester

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    Our long-term courses are designed for students wishing to immerse themselves in the local language and culture for an extended period. Studying for 5, 6 or 8 months allows you to achieve an increased level of uency and
    condence, ideally suited for students with clear academic or career goals which require strong English skills.

    General English

    Published by Alexandre Monteiro on

    Commitment, passion and care.
    The main weapon of our methodology is the efficient use of homework, which leads to SPC being able to provide a interactive high standard classes.
    By using additional reading and writing tools (SPC Journal and Graded Readers), we are able to to develop classes emphasizing on communication skills and still ensure that students are truly committed to full development of all their English skills.

    General English (full time)

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    Our General English course is a text-based course using the internationally renowned New Cutting Edge as its core text at all levels from Elementary to Advanced. This is supplemented by a wide range of other materials focussing on the four macroskills of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking, plus the use of locally focussed worksheets and task-based activities.

    The teaching method is communicative. The aim at all levels is to give students the language tools to communicate in English in real-life situations.

    The strengths of the course revolve around encouraging the students to interact in English not only within the smaller community of the school itself, but also within the broader community of Byron Bay.

    BBELS Teen Program

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    The school offers ""Summer camp"" style programs for international teenagers. Byron Bay is a safe and friendly town. Our homestays are also close to the school and extremely welcoming to young international students. There are also a range of indoor and outdoor activities that create a fun learning environment.

    Minimum age is 15 years. The program is only available in July and August for a maximum of 6 weeks. The program inclues:

    * part time General English weekdays from 9.00am - 12.30pm
    * afternoon activities from 1.30pm weekdays + 1 day on weekend
    * guardian^ homestay - single room, 2 meals w'days/3 meals w'ends
    * return Brisbane or Gold Coast airport transfers
    * tuition materials
    * supervision with all arranged activities
    * BBELS T-shirt
    * language support in Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Portuguese,

    General English 1, 2 and 3

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    The Navitas General English courses were created to develop real-world English language skills, providing students with excellent results.


    Why choose Navitas?

    • New classes every Monday.
    • Take the course that best suits your English level.
    • Interactive and challenging classes led by experienced teachers.
    • Stay focused and engaged in dynamic classes.
    • Look ahead in the future and get ready for Corporate English, Academic English, or to the world's leading proficiency exams.
    • Study in one of the best and most traditional educational institutions in Australia.


    Weekly course hours - 20h + 5h of MyStudy™

    Duration - 1 to 24 weeks per course

    Minimum age: 16 years old

    Locations - Bondi, Brisbane, Darwin, Manly, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.

    Cursos Nocturnos

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    Comenzando al final de la tarde los Cursos nocturnos de Navitas ofrecen a los estudiantes más flexibilidad y tiempo de sobra para trabajar, practicar surf, nadar y relajarse durante el día.


    Navitas ofrece los siguientes cursos en el horario nocturno:

    • Inglés General 1, 2 y 3
    • Preparación IELTS

    Las clases comienzan todos los lunes y terminan a las 21h, lo que significa que el estudiante todavía puede salir y disfrutar de la vida nocturna australiana después de las clases.


    Visión general:

    Carga horaria semanal - 20h

    Duración - 1 a 24 semanas por curso (Inglés General e IELTS)

    Edad mínima - 16 años

    Lugares - Brisbane, Manly, Perth y Sídney

    Inglês Geral

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    Opções de estudo para 20, 25 e 30 horas por semana. Este curso é para estudantes que querem se comunicar em um ambiente que fala inglês todos os dias. Ele é projetado para melhorar as habilidades de leitura, escrita, audição e fala dos alunos. Os cursos estão disponíveis nos níveis do iniciante ao avançado, variando de inglês funcional nos níveis mais baixos a mais acadêmico nas classes avançadas. A entrega do curso é divertida, moderna, ativa e desafiadora. Após a conclusão de seus estudos, os alunos receberão um certificado indicando seu nível de proficiência. Características do curso:

    – Um teste de posicionamento determina o nível mais adequado para você;

    – Atividades semanais e excursões mensais complementam seu programa de aula;

    – O material do curso é variado e divertido, incluindo: pesquisa na internet, extratos de livros e filmes, programas de televisão e rádio, canto e drama;

    – Os alunos desenvolvem um entendimento cultural dentro de um ambiente internacional.


    Serviços de suporte

    – Aconselhamento pessoal e de carreira por um conselheiro estudantil qualificado;

    – Um moderno e inovador Self Access Center;

    – Acesso gratuito a computadores e internet;

    – Os professores auxiliam os alunos a monitorar seu próprio progresso e assumir a responsabilidade por seu próprio aprendizado.

    General English

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    IELI, on the campus of Flinders University - morning/afternoon.

    Levels: 0 - 7
    Purpose: Personal interest or professional communicative ability
    Content: Literature, current events, popular culture, movies, and cultural topics
    Skills: Social conversation and discussion, situational speaking, English for the work place, reading, and listening comprehension skills
    Test: Practice TOIEC and Cambridge Tests

    Visa Premium 15

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    The course is for students that don't reside in the European Union. 25 weeks of General English classes in the morning (9:30 pm to 12:20 pm).

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