› População:
1.315.346 (Jun/2017)
› Área:
3,258 km²
› Fuso Horário:
In relation to Brasilia Time: +12h30
› Código Telefônico:
› Localização (Região):
South Australia
› Data de fundação:
December 28, 1836.
› Índice de melhor cidade para se viver:
Position: 5th (2018)
› Densidade demográfica:
404,205/km² (2017)
› Temperatura média:
Minimum annual average: 12,3 °C Maximum annual average: 22,4 °C
Adelaide has a Mediterranean climate with its four seasons well defined, with cold and relatively humid winters, but no snow (10⁰ to 15⁰ C), and long, dry summers (25⁰ to 35⁰ C) and blue skies for most of the year.
Quiet and peaceful, but with a rather intense cultural life. It allows you to live in the hills and still be near the sea.
The colonization of South Australia was very different from the rest of the country. Instead of being used as a penal colony, it was built by free men, who tried to form a more tolerant and fair society. These settlers, mostly English protestants and German Lutherans, built a planned city and turned Adelaide into a city of churches, which are real architectural treasures.
Cost of Living
Cost of Living
Monthly estimate for one person (without rent): AU$ 1,250
Public Transport
Public Transport
Called the “20-minute city", it’s very easy and quick to move around Adelaide, mainly through the public transport system, which includes buses, trains and trams. The state of South Australia was the first to grant international students the same discount on tickets as domestic students, which only reinforces the use of public transportation, especially in the central business district, where taking buses and trams are free.
For bike enthusiasts, Adelaide, with its wide, flat streets and lots of bicycle paths, is a wonderful place to explore by bike. The city is so enthusiastic about it that it offers two pumps in different locations to fill the tires.
Estude e trabalhe em ADELAIDE
Hosting more than 500 events a year, South Australia is officially the “The Festival State", to the point of this slogan having run on license plates from 1981 to 2008. Another vocation is for the wines. The state produces over 50% of all Australian wine and has two of the country's most celebrated wine regions, Barossa and McLaren Valley. It’s not by chance that Adelaide is recognized worldwide as one of the great wine capitals of the planet and has more restaurants per capita than any other big city in Australia. With over 1.3 million people, about 25% of whom were born outside Australia, Adelaide is a planned city, which makes it possible to live in the hills and still be close to the sea. The lifestyle is quite peaceful, while offering an extremely rich and active cultural schedule.
Why study in Adelaide
South Australia's capital city, Adelaide is the fifth largest Australian capital and at the same time one of the most financially affordable, costing about 20% less than Sydney and Melbourne and 5% less than Brisbane and Perth. Known as the "Nobel Prize Capital" of Australia, Adelaide has supported and produced five Nobel laureates, hundreds of scholars who have achieved the prestigious Rhodes and Fulbright scholarships and is home to three state universities and two international ones. In Adelaide, no place is too far away. In addition to living 20 minutes away from anywhere else in the city, international students also receive the same public transportation concessions as domestic students, paying only half the ticket price.
10 reasons to study in Adelaide
- International students can work 48 hours per fortnight (and full-time during vacations)
- Everything is nearby;
- Cost of Living much lower than in other large cities;
- International students have the same discount on public transport as domestic students;
- Three state universities and two internationals;
- City with the highest amount per capita of restaurants;
- Constantly chosen among the 5 best cities in the world to live;
- Mediterranean climate;
- Combines beaches and hills;
- Full of parks and green areas;
About Adelaide
Constantly ranked as the fifth best city to live in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit's “Global Livability Report”, Adelaide offers all the convenience of a modern capital, without the inherent hassles of a large city. Adelaide is surrounded by hills to the east and more than 70km of coastline to the west, and you are always 20 minutes from anywhere. Packed with green spaces, including beautiful parks and quiet suburbs, walking and bicycle riding are two great options to get around. The beaches offer calm and safe waters, while the highly wooded hills overlooking the city are the gateway to many South Australian attractions such as festivals, events, wineries, restaurants, markets and much more.
Accommodations in Adelaide
When researching a place to live, it’s very important that it be close to your school or that you can easily get there by public transport. We divided the accommodations into two types, according to the duration of the trip:
Short term
Hostels Backpackers
The hostels are good options for those who want to save money with accommodation. The rooms in general are shared, but there are also rooms for couples and private options. Preferred by young travelers, they have quite relaxed environments, with lots of socialization and therefore are very sought after during high seasons.
They are kinda like hostels but offer private, couples and group rooms. The environment is less busy and more private than hostels, the prices are a bit more expensive, but still cheaper than hotels.
Long term
WEST 1 recommends that, at least for the first few weeks, students stay in a homestay, which are homes of Australian families or immigrants who have been in the country for many years. It’s there that the student begins to have contact with the Australian culture, put into practice what they learn at school, get to know the city and ask questions. To participate in this type of program, families are accredited by the Australian government, which guarantees total safety for the student.
Share accommodation
After the homestay period, the student will already be more familiar with the school and the city. Feeling more independent, the next step is to share an apartment or a room with other students, many of them of different nationalities, which is a great experience and great for improving the language. The rent is usually paid weekly, and before moving you must deposit the famous “bond”, which is nothing more than an advance that ranges from two to four weeks of rent.
Work In Adelaide
In Australia, as soon as classes begin, the student can work 48 hours per fortnight (and full-time during vacations). In order to do that, it’s important to open a student account at a bank and make the Tax File Number, a record on the Australian Taxation Office that will allow you to get paid by the employer and have your income tax in order. In Adelaide, due to the city great vocation for the service area, work in restaurants and hospitality, whether in the kitchen, serving, housekeeping or reception are quite common, as well as work in construction services.
Attractions in Adelaide
Known as the “Festival State", South Australia hosts more than 500 events per year, with more than 400 happening in Adelaide. The most important one is the Adelaide Festival of Arts, held every two years at the Festival Centre, the iconic arts complex on the banks of the Torrens, in the capital. Other highlights are the Santos Tour Down Under, Adelaide Fringe Festival, Adelaide 500 and WOMADelaide in the summer/fall; and Adelaide Cabaret Festival, SALA Festival, Royal Adelaide Show and OzAsia Festival in the winter/spring. In the vicinity, as well as wine regions such as Barossa, McLaren and Clare Valley, there is also Yorke Peninsula with its great secluded beaches for surfing, fishing and diving, the Eyre Peninsula, famous for its pink water lakes, beaches and marine wild life, the inhospitable Nullarbor Plain, the last frontier between South Australia and the Outback, and Kangaroo Island, a destination for all seasons, with abundant wild life, beautiful scenery and native fauna.
Você sabia?
Adelaide is known as the City of Churches.
'All Green'
Adelaide is a city in the park, with more than 760 acres of green areas surrounding the city and North Adelaide.
Adelaide offers more than 2,500 hours of sunshine per year and without the humidity of other Australian cities.
Perguntas Frequentes
Quais são as principais características de Adelaide?
Adelaide é a quinta maior cidade da Austrália com aproximadamente 1 milhão e 300 mil habitantes. É uma cidade grande com ares de cidade do interior e possui belas praias. O clima da cidade pode ser bem friozinho no inverno, época boa para aproveitar a região de montanhas. Para quem gosta de curtir a noite, Adelaide tem vida noturna agitada. A principal região vinícola da Austrália, Barossa Valley, fica bem perto de Adelaide. É um passeio imperdível para quem está na cidade. Já para quem gosta de praias paradisíacas, uma boa pedida é um passeio a Kangaroo Island, ilha próxima à capital de South Australia.
Para saber mais sobre a cidade, acesse os conteúdos exclusivos da WEST 1:
Existem outros destinos alternativos na Austrália além das grandes cidades?
Sim, há cidades menores na Austrália que também são destinos de intercâmbio oferecidos pela WEST 1. As cidades de Noosa, Sunshine Coast e Byron Bay por exemplo são pequenas, tem um estilo de vida mais descontraído e bem praiano, já que se localizam na costa leste do país, e por isso atraem estudantes que optam por tranquilidade.
Cidades como Darwin, capital de Northern Territory, que fica no norte do país, e Hobart, capital da Tasmânia, que fica no extremo sul, também tem chamado a atenção dos estudantes que tem a intenção de imigrar para a Austrália, já que são áreas regionais onde é mais fácil alcançar a pontuação necessária para um visto de trabalho ou residência permanente para profissionais que tem suas ocupações na lista de profissões em demanda no país.
Localizada na Sunshine Coast, Noosa é rodeada de belas praias, lagos e parques nacionais. Para quem gosta de aventura, há muito o que se fazer por lá. Surfar, praticar stand up paddle, velejar, andar de caiaque, apreciar o pôr do sol num cruzeiro ou até mesmo nadar com baleias jubarte. Já para quem gosta de levar um estilo de vida mais tranquilo, Noosa oferece spas, campos de golfe, muitas opções de lojas e restaurantes de cozinhas variadas.
Sunshine Coast
A apenas uma hora de carro de Brisbane, Sunshine Coast se destaca pela grande quantidade de praias que oferece, natureza exuberante e uma estrutura crescente de comércio com destaque para os restaurantes. Com clima ensolarado subtropical, o calor predomina durante o ano inteiro na região com uma média de 20 graus no inverno e 28 graus no verão.
Byron Bay
É uma cidade com um clima “hippie”, de atmosfera mais descolada e altas temperaturas.A cidade não é charmosa apenas pelas praias paradisíacas, mas em Byron Bay também está um dos pontos turísticos mais famosos da Austrália, o Farol Cape Byron – ponto mais ao leste do país. Todo domingo há uma feirinha na cidade, além de diversos festivais organizados periodicamente.
Capital de Northern Territory, Darwin fica situada no extremo norte da Austrália. É uma cidade pequena, com cerca de 154 mil habitantes. Única capital tropical do país, a cidade é banhada pelo Mar de Timor. Com clima predominantemente quente, Darwin tem duas estações distintas, a úmida, de novembro a abril, com chuvas e tempestades, e a seca, de maio a outubro, com dias ensolarados, quentes e secos.
Hobart é a capital da Tasmânia, estado que se localiza no extremo sul da Austrália. Com uma população de cerca de 240 mil pessoas, a cidade tem ares de interior, mas toda a infraestrutura de uma capital, com amplo comércio, restaurantes, eventos culturais e muitas belezas naturais. O clima é frio na maior parte do ano e chega a nevar em alguns pontos da cidade no inverno.