A WEST 1 Latam oferece a você todo o apoio para realizar o seu sonho de estudar na Austrália. Nossos consultores educacionais especializados já viveram essa experiência e são treinados para prestar o melhor suporte durante todo o processo para que você possa obter seu visto aprovado e estudar, trabalhar e morar na terra dos cangurus. A WEST 1 LATAM irá ajudá-lo a encontrar o melhor curso e destino de acordo com o seu perfil. Além disso, você terá o nosso apoio durante todo o tempo de permanência na Austrália, através das nossas agências em Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide e Gold Coast, assim você não estará sozinho a qualquer momento.
Se você estiver na Colômbia, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Peru, México ou qualquer outro país da America Laina, pode nos escrever! Somos treinados para assessorá-lo on-line durante todo o processo, no conforto da sua casa. Basta entrar me contato conosco e com prazer nossos consultores educacionais especializados retornarão para você.

I love working with people, with them and for them, seeing people making their dreams come true is a gift for me!
Indira Paola Jaimes
Educational Counsellor
I love working with people, with them and for them, seeing people making their dreams come true is a gift for me!
Indira Paola Jaimes
Educational Counsellor
My name is Indira, I’m a Colombian girl who came to Australia following a dream, three years ago together with my partner decided to start the most wonderful journey!! I enjoy playing tennis; I’m a happy, thankful, loyal, and a dreamer person, I love my family and friends, I’m passionate about the word, new cultures, better opportunities, travel around the word and definitely fearless of new experiences, I’m passionate about nature and animals.
My magical experience started three years ago, when I decide to leave my routine life and travel to Australia looking for better opportunities, my need to improve my English and my passion to travel took me here, and definitely after many experiences I’m absolutely sure it’s been the best decision so far. I’ve been through many situations, not all good for sure, but they have all been worth it.
I love working with people, with them and for them, seeing people making their dreams come true is a gift for me. I have been very fortunate to have a family that has supported me through all this way. I have had many opportunities in my life, can’t complain for anything, I just want to keep doing what I love to do, helping others and giving them the best of myself.
After arrived in Sydney I realized how easy travel around the word is, this experience definitely has opened my mind, I have been in many places I never thought I could have been before … looking forward for what is coming!!
So never give up on your goals, be positive and don’t forget … anybody else will do it for you!!